Wisdom and Insights from Stephen Anton
Have you ever felt lethargic and sleepy after a very large meal? This is likely something almost all of us have experienced many times in our lives.
And there is a good reason for this! Large meals place extra stress on the body’s metabolic functions which can temporarily drain energy levels.
Following a large meal, there is a rapid increase in blood sugar, or post-prandial glucose, levels. In response to these elevations in glucose, the body secretes large amounts of insulin and other counter-regulatory hormones to try to return to healthy (normal) metabolic state as quickly as possible.
At first, this process may work well but if repeated constantly, it can lead to unhealthy cycle.
As your blood sugar levels drop quickly, hunger tends to increase with a corresponding desire to eat again. If this cycle is not broken, then, it can set the stage for insulin resistance and other undesirable outcomes.
As insulin is a fat-storage hormone, large meals may not only trigger the body to store body fat but can also dysregulate glucose stability, setting up a cycle of metabolic disruption and weight gain.
And if your largest meal is late at night or close to bedtime, fat storage signals are likely to be increased, as the body’s glucose control is weaker later in the evening.
Is there a solution?
Yes! A good strategy is to eat until you are about 75% full and you will feel more energetic and less hungry during the day.
Remember, every time you eat, you are influencing your metabolic health!
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Wisdom and Insights from Stephen Anton