Broadening My Horizons with Travel

Broadening My Horizons with Travel

By: Roy Terracina


I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to travel all over the world. I recognize how lucky I am to be able to have done this, but it has greatly deepened my appreciation for humanity and taught me more about life than almost anything else.
New cultures, new customs, food, clothing…ect. All of it has opened my eyes to the ways people are different and perhaps more importantly how we are all are the same in many of the aspects that matter the most.
When I’m mentoring young people, I always try to encourage them to travel if they have the opportunity.

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Wisdom and Insights from Roy Terracina

Roy Terracina

Born in Chicago and started boxing as a youth. Boxing taught me the value of Self control and discipline. Went on to school at Marquette Univ., where I received both BS and MBA in Finance. I had many different business disciplines until I purchased a company in San Antonio at age 37! Successfully ran and sold the business 10 years later and began a life of travel, fitness , learning always focusing on my family and five wonderful children. At age 74, was asked to take over a tech startup, which is about to break into a new and exciting time of growth.

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