Learning, Earning, and Returning

Learning, Earning, and Returning

By: Glenn Franson


*Transcript from the attached video

These are three things that I inventory every day, mentally or in my notebook or on my phone. But they have to be done at least mentally. when I go to bed, did I learn something today? Almost every day I learned something. Nine out of 10 days or more.

Did I earn?
And that’s a broad statement. And I bringing in the cashflow that I need to make sure that I’m saving, that I’m not in debt, that I’m, feeding my family well, that I’m able to provide the things that they, need and would like. But also, did I earn my way in my household? Did I earn Respect of my family, my wife my daughter. Did I earn my right to be here?

And then lastly, returning.
Sometimes that might be writing a check or a making a small charitable contribution. But that’s not the only way to return. In fact, it’s probably the least important way to return. The most important way that you can return is to look at it as. I’m not returning a favor to you because you’ve done something nice for me, I’m not paying it forward. anticipating that something nice is going to come for me later on. I’m returning all of the blessings that I’ve had, all of the lessons that I’ve learned, all of the good things uh, good fortune, and I’m putting that back out into the universe through whatever medium that may be, whether that be through Exclusivia and sharing insights or in sharing little life hacks or things that I’ve learned that week, it might be through helping a, neighbor.
My hopes are that if I’m doing good things for people, that there are other people out there doing the same, expecting nothing in return, if everyone would just operate that way, we’d be in such a great place. It really would be.

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Wisdom and Insights from Glenn Franson

Glenn Franson

My professional experience spans over three decades, though I am most proud of my personal relationships and experiences. I am a husband, father, brother, son and friend. I have a passion for personal growth, and have spent most of the last year searching for my purpose. I enjoy mentoring committed and hungry young adults who share similar interests and values.

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