First You Create Habits Then They Create You

First You Create Habits Then They Create You

By: Stephen Anton


You may have heard the expression, you are what you repeatedly do. I think there is much truth to this and it’s worth exploring this statement as it relates to our habits.

Whenever we get in the habit of engaging in any behavior repeatedly, at some point the habit takes over and you start becoming the habit. In other words, if you get in the habit of watching TV late at night and sleeping in, this is what starts to feel comfortable or normal to you. And if you do this often enough, it will feel odd to do something different.

The same goes for engaging in a healthier habit, such as exercising at a particular time of day. If you consistently exercise at the same time every day for a period of at least 30 days, you will be amazed at how your mind and body expect to exercise and are physiologically prepared to do so at this time.
At some point, it will feel odd to not engage in this behavior pattern, as it has become a part of who you are. In my own journey, I’ve found this to be the case, as it would now feel odd for me to not meditate, write in cursive, and exercise in the fasted state in the morning.

For this reason, it’s really important to develop habits that serve you and are aligned with your goals. Remember, first, you create the habits, then they create you!

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Wisdom and Insights from Stephen Anton

Stephen Anton

I have had the privilege of studying the fields of obesity, metabolism, and aging for the past 20 years and during this time I’ve made several discoveries that have greatly improved my health and quality of life, as well as the health of my family and friends which I enjoy sharing with the world. By training, I am a clinical and health psychologist and received my PhD from the University of Florida in 2003. After completing my doctoral degree, I completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In 2007, I accepted a faculty position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Florida where I am at presently.

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