Destination Analysis- Where Does the Road Lead?

Destination Analysis- Where Does the Road Lead?

By: Exclusivia Team


I’ve heard two investors, Guy Spier and Nick Sleep, use the term destination analysis in regard to their evaluation process for making an investment. In this context, these investors look at the current company and are trying to envision where the company is going into the future. In summary, is it clear that the company be a larger, stronger, and be serving more customers than it is today? Nothing is certain but if they feel that they have very clear idea of the company’s future destination it helps make their decision-making process significantly easier. On the flipside, if the future of the company’s destination is cloudy or there are too many unknowns affecting the destination, they most likely will not proceed.

Investing is a bit different than life, because in investing if you don’t like the destination of the investment, you can simply walk away and find something else to invest in, whereas you cannot walk away from your life. However, this idea of destination analysis is something that can extrapolated across all areas of our best lives.

Dr. Robert Cooper frequently uses the term “glance ahead, then look back.” The future destination is made by intentionally looking at where we want to be, then reverse engineering that process to do the action steps required to get there.

Have we done a destination analysis of your family’s happiness? Our health? Business? If so what does the future destination look like with the road we are currently on? Does it align with where we want to be?

There are many unknowns in life and many things that will unfold that are outside of our control. It is very easy to get lost in the noise and chaos of the present, but if we are not careful our lives will unfold almost by accident, and we can miss our best lives. Life is not something that just happens to us, we must be active participants.

We have found this exercise of destination analysis incredibly helpful with our team at Exclusivia in building the company as well as helping each other intentionally pursue our own most amazing futures.

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Exclusivia Team

The main purpose of Exclusivia was to help people “Cut Through The Noise” to live their own best life. We were tired and overwhelmed with the constant bombardment of things that do not really matter. Our team members all have different interests in our own best lives. So what we’ve tried to do is compile wisdom and tools that we believe reduce friction and streamline a person’s life.

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