Wisdom and Insights from Bradley Binversie
It’s easy to get lost in the struggles of life. We miss the forest through the trees as we metaphorically stumble around in the dark feeling our way through the busyness of daily life. We can be scared, uncertain, stressed, or any number of unpleasant feelings when we don’t know the path that will be laid out before us.
One useful idea to calm these negative feelings and think clearly is taking a Bird’s Eye View of life.
When we are able to step back and see the larger picture of where we were, where we are, and where we want to go, it clears the mind. Reflecting on the past there were many times where we felt uncertainty and fear; however, in hindsight the path unfolded before us. Think of some of the most life changing, unexpected things in our lives. Great triumphs, miracles, and even disasters have shaped and guided us toward the people are and lives we live. Reflecting with this bird’s eye, helps calm the present mind because even with all the past struggles, life unfolded how it was supposed to. Maybe not how we thought it should at the time, but the way it was supposed to.
This bird’s eye view also applies to the future. When we glance ahead intentionally toward the future, it’s helps us to see the big picture. It calms us. It also helps us to re-engineer the daily actions that we need to take in the present to make that future a reality.
Taking a Bird’s Eye View doesn’t mean living in the past or daydreaming about an imaginative future. It’s about calming the mind in the present so we can make the decisions and take the actions to intentionally build our best lives.
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Wisdom and Insights from Bradley Binversie